Our native Genetec Security Center SDK integration enables government agencies to securely share video feeds both internally and with the public. Purpose-built for state DOTs, law enforcement, and municipalities, our platform connects Genetec infrastructure to cloud-based delivery with complete access control.
Trusted by state-level agencies across the United States for mission-critical video sharing applications. Ideal for 511 traffic systems, emergency management, and cross-agency collaboration.
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View our official Genetec Partner Certification
Our native Genetec Security Center SDK integration connects your government agency's surveillance infrastructure to both secure internal platforms and public-facing portals.
Our secure cloud infrastructure connects your Genetec Security Center with external stakeholders while maintaining complete control. Purpose-built for government agencies with stringent security requirements.
Connect state transportation video infrastructure:
Support law enforcement and emergency operations:
Support city and county operations:
Connect government video with the public:
Secure cloud infrastructure:
Complete organizational control:
Balanced approach for organizations:
Our solution is deployed with multiple Genetec versions across various industries and environments.
Contact us to discuss how our native Genetec Security Center integration can help your organization securely share video across departments and with your audience.